
"The Song of the Covenant"

The Divine Minstrel held the stringed instrument in His Hand, and preluded a melody and tune after the Persian note, and sang this Song with a loud voice, as follows:
This is the Ancient Covenant!
This is the One Who has the Cup in His Hand!
This is the One Who has brought failure in the market of the Joseph of the Merciful God!
This is the Testament of Accord!
This is a Covenant to hold to, and utterly detach one’s self from aught else!
This is the cause of stopping the cries of contradiction (made by deniers) through the Divine Mercy!
This is the Pre-existent Covenant!
This is the weighty Mystery!
This is the Greatest Secret of the Countenance of Baha
- May my soul redeem His beloved ones!

‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
[Extract from a Tablet]
(Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 13, November 4, 1914)


Through Miss Alma Knobloch, to the maidservant of God, Fraulein Julia Staebler

Upon her be Baha’u’l-Abha!
He is God!

O thou maidservant of God!

Thy letter was received. I am much occupied, therefore brevity is befitting. Be very grateful to Miss Alma Knobloch and Miss Anna Kostlin, for they became the cause of thy guidance.

Thy beloved mother ascended to the apex of the Kingdom. She is the associate and the companion of the spiritual ones. They witness this world and the inhabitants thereof, for the veil is rent asunder and the covering is taken away from before the insight. Beg of God for them the exaltation of spiritual degrees.

Praise be to God that, on the Day of the Declaration of His Holiness the Báb, you celebrated the Feast with the utmost beauty. The Nineteen-days Feast has the utmost importance, that the beloved ones may gather in a meeting, be occupied with the utmost love and fellowship in mentioning the name of God, and speak about the glad tidings of God, deliver the proofs and evidences of the appearance of Baha'u'llah, mention the praiseworthy deeds and the sacrifices endured by the Believers of God in Persia, talk about the severance and the attraction of the martyrs and remember the cooperation and the mutual assistance of the friends. Therefore this Nineteen- day Feast is most important.

The believers of God in Persia sacrifice their lives in the path of each other, the rich give to the poor, and the worthies protect and guard the weak ones.
Convey to all the friends the wonderful greeting of Abha.
Upon ye be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 13, November 4, 1914)