
To the beloved of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful - New York (State)

Mrs. L. G. Stirling, Florence A. Cobb, Lila A. Ressiguie, Clara A. Brink, Annie E. Walrath, Dr. F. S. Blood, Wm. B. Remey Harriet Rupert, Mrs. E. C. Woodworth, Pauline Crandall, Mrs. E. Gustin, Mary M. Young, Bessie Knight, Ada C. Divine, Ella C. Quant, Dr. W. E. House, Edith L. Whiting, Margaret La Grange, Miss Bina Van Buren,  Alice house, F. W. Ackernecht, Mrs. Sarah Young, Elizabeth Chandler

He is God!

O ye who are attracted to the Beauty of Abhá!

Your letter was received; it indicated that a new union and harmony is created among those souls. This glad tiding produced a great happiness and a new hope was seized that perchance the friends of New York, God willing, may become united and harmonized with the heavenly power. Today the most beloved and acceptable deed before His Highness, Bahá'u'lláh, is the union of the friends and the concord of men, and the most unacceptable is difference and disharmony.

Praise be to God that ye have become assisted with this Most Great Bounty, that is, unity and harmony, and become the cause of the happiness of the heart of 'Abdu'l-Bahá.

His Highness, Bahá'u'lláh, said, that if Religion and Faith become the cause of difference, enmity and hatred, undoubtedly its non-being is better than its being.  Consider ye how much emphasis He has placed upon love, harmony and affection.

Upon ye he Bahá'u'l-Abhá!

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 5, June 5, 1911)


To Mr. and Mrs. Ostburg, Boston, Mass.

He Is God!

O ye two seekers of Truth!

Your letter was received and I became informed of its contents. Some of the letters you have forwarded have not been received, while others have been received at the time of the intense persecutions of the enemy, so it was impossible to reply. When this last letter was received I found opportunity to answer it, notwithstanding the multiplicity of occupations, so that you may know how much ye are beloved in this spot and accepted in the Kingdom of God. As there is little time, brief answers are given to your questions:

Answer to the first question: The spirits of the sons of the Kingdom after the disintegration of this body ascend to the world of Eternal Existence; but should you ask of the place, know thou that that world of existence is the world of unity, but the grades are different. For instance, the mineral existence has a grade, but that mineral being has no knowledge of the vegetable kingdom. It (the mineral existence) has no information of a higher realm nay, rather, according to appearances, it may deny the higher grade. Likewise the vegetable life has no knowledge of the animal kingdom. It is entirely heedless and unconscious of that kingdom, because the grade of the animal is higher than that of the vegetable. The vegetable, according to its limited environment, is veiled from the knowledge of the animal kingdom, and it may deny it, although the animal, the vegetable and mineral live in the world of existence.  Likewise, the animal cannot comprehend the intelligence of the faculties of man, which is the generalizer of the universal and the discoverer of the mysteries of beings, so much so that while living in the East he organizes and founds institutions in the West, and he reveals hidden things. Though he abides in Europe he discovers America. Though he dwells upon the earth, he unravels the realities of the solar system. The animal is entirely unconscious, nay, rather, a denier of this intelligent force, which penetrates into the unknown and comprehends the general as well as the particular ideas of this illimitable universe. Likewise the people of the world lack the knowledge of the world of the Kingdom, nay, rather, they deny it.  Do we not hear from their lips the words, such as these:  "Where is the Kingdom?  Where is the Lord of the Kingdom?" But these souls are like unto the mineral and vegetable who know nothing of the animal and human kingdoms. They neither see nor search. However, the mineral, the vegetable and the animal kingdoms all live in this world of existence.


Prayer: Spiritual Meeting

He Is God!

O my God!  O my God!  We are servants who have sincerely turned our faces unto Thy Grand Face; severed ourselves from all else save thee in this Great Day and are assembled together in this glorious meeting of one accord and desire, and unanimous in thought to promulgate Thy Word amid Thy creatures.

O my Lord!  O my Lord!  Suffer us to be signs of guidance, standards of Thy Manifest Religion throughout the world, servants of Thy Great Covenant - O our Exalted Lord! - appearances of Thy Oneness in Thy Kingdom, the Abhá, and stars which dawn forth unto all regions.

O Lord, make us as seas rolling with the waves of Thy Great Abundance, rivers flowing from the mountains of Thy Glorious Kingdom, pure fruits on the Tree of Thy illustrious Cause, plants refreshed and moved by the Breeze of Thy Gift in Thy wonderful vineyard.

O Lord, cause our souls to depend upon the signs of Thy Oneness, our hearts to be dilated with the Bounties of Thy Singleness, so that we may become united as are ripples on a waving sea; become harmonized as are the rays which shine forth from a brilliant light; so that our thoughts, opinions and feelings become as one reality from which the spirit of accord may be diffused throughout all regions.

Verily, Thou art the Beneficent, the Bestower!  Verily, Thou art the Giver, the Mighty, the Loving, the Merciful!

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 4, May 17, 1911)