
Star of the West fell into the hands of strangers in Persia

In regard to the Star of the West which in Rasht fell into the hands of strangers.  There was a wisdom in this.  It will have great effect in the future.  The editors of the newspapers are mistaken.  The literature of the Bahá'ís has encircled the world and not alone Persia.  The derision and the scorn of the editors of the newspapers will be the cause of their own undoing and regret.  They must loosen their tongues in thankfulness and praise and glorification that-Praise be to God!  Persia has found such influence in America that a magazine like unto the Star of the West is founded.  This behoveth them to be thankful and not complain.  This is the cause of the glory of Persia and the Persians and not their shame.  How long this community does not behold the wonders and miracles of Thy Lord!

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no.10, September 8, 1911)


To the Members of the Assembly of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, San Francisco, California.

Through the maid-servant of God, Mrs. Helen S. Goodall

He is God!
O ye faithful friends!

The maid-servant of the Kingdom of Bahá'u'lláh has written the joyful news that the friends in that region have established an Assembly, have engaged in the spreading of the teachings of God and have arisen with the utmost endeavour, sincerity of intention, and enkindlement with the fire of the Love of God so that that country may become a main-spring of the signs, and that city become illumined, and a number of souls like stars of the Horizon of Holiness may shine in the assemblage of the Kingdom of man (humanity).

This Assembly was organized at the right time. It is my hope that it may become a magnet of confirmation. If it remain firm and steadfast this Assembly will become so illumined that it will be a full, refulgent moon in the Horizon of everlasting Glory.

Report and write to me the services which are accomplished by this Assembly so that they may become the cause of spiritual happiness and joy to the heart.

Upon thee be the Glory of God!

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no.10, September 8, 1911)


To Adolph M. Dahl, Pittsburgh, Pa

He is God!

O thou servant of God!

Thy letter was received. Praise be to God, that the call of the Kingdom of Abhá reached Pittsburgh. Should the friends of God show firmness and steadfastness, the ray of the light of the Kingdom of Abhá will shine and that state and city will become illuminated.

Endeavour thou that thou mayest study the Persian language thoroughly, so that thou mayest read the Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh and comprehend their meanings.

In reality, if someone should go to the Netherlands and engage in teaching the Truth great results would follow. Although such a person cannot he found for the present, yet before long he shall be discovered.

I supplicate and entreat at the Kingdom of Abhá and ask heavenly confirmation for thee. Perchance, God willing, at some future date we may meet each other.

Upon thee be the Glory of God!

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no.10, September 8, 1911)


To Anna M. Dahl, Pittsburgh, Pa

He is God!

O thou seeker of Truth!

Thy letter was received and thy thankfulness became evident. Glorification of God is the cause of attraction of confirmation and draws down the bounties of the Glorious Lord. Therefore the glances of the providence of the True One shall ere long encircle all the family. I pray God that Pittsburgh may be blessed. It is not permitted to distribute Bahá'í pamphlets and literature through the streets and markets. On account of the lack of time a brief answer is given.

Upon thee be the Glory of God!

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no.10, September 8, 1911)


To Muhammad Ali Khán, Tihrán, Persia

He is God!

O thou intimate companion!

The flame of reformation is ignited in the heart and soul of Persia and the spirit of every real reformer is longing for better conditions. For Persia is sick and is suffering with intense agony. But the children of the East are abiding under the shade of the banner of discord and are completely heedless and veiled Now, what remedy can be applied! The sick Persia is flying away from the physician; nay, rather that thirsty one is depriving himself of the sea of the salubrious water of health. Therefore, this exiled one has found no other alternative than to turn his face towards the West and raise the melody of the Kingdom; for to a certain degree the insight of the people in those parts is open and they are familiar and associate with reason and understanding. When Joseph found that his envious brothers and his jealous relations and friends were heedless and unmindful, he unveiled his face in the market of the Egyptians, so that in exile he might destroy the foundation of strangeness and raise the banner of unity. Therefore, it is the aim of this exiled one, that, God willing, he may become the Herald and carry the glad tidings of the Kingdom to the empires of the West. Perchance the splendour of the Beauty of the real Joseph - the Most Great Name - may my life be a sacrifice to Him - may shine from the countries of the Occident; and I beg of God that the glances of mercifulness may assist.

I hope that the bounties of the True One may become realized in thee, but it is conditional upon thy serving the Real Master and living in accord with the manners and behaviour of the real Bahá'ís and showing the utmost sincerity and beauty of intention.

Upon thee be the Glory of God!

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no.10, September 8, 1911)


To the First Universal Races Congress, London, England, July 26-29

When travelling about the world we observe an air of prosperity in any country, we find it to be due to the existence of love and friendship among the people. If, on the contrary, all seems depressed and poverty-stricken, we may feel assured that this is the effect of animosity, and of the absence of union among the inhabitants.

Notwithstanding that such a state of things is obvious to the passing traveller, how often the people themselves continue in the sleep of negligence, or occupy themselves in disputes and differences, and are even ready to slaughter their fellow-men!

Consider thoughtfully the continual integration and disintegration of the phenomenal universe... Unification and constructive combination is the cause of Life. Disunion of particles brings about loss, weakness, dispersion, and decay.

Consider the varieties of flowers in a garden. They seem but to enhance the loveliness of each other. When differences of colour, ideas, and character are found in the human Kingdom, and come under the control of the power of Unity, they too show their essential beauty and perfection.

Rivalry between the different races of mankind was first caused by the struggle for existence among the wild animals. This struggle is no longer necessary: nay, rather interdependence and co-operation are seen to produce the highest welfare in nations. The struggle that now continues is caused by prejudice and bigotry.


To the President, First Universal Races Congress

My Dear Friend: Your letter of invitation has been received, and I am much obliged for it. It is my utmost desire to be present at such a gathering, for I am thoroughly confident that beneficial results shall surely follow these meetings, and that they will become the means of establishing friendship and love among the world's different races. Thus the basis of enmity may be destroyed and the tent of unity of the world of humanity be raised throughout all regions.

I regret much that circumstances may prevent me from attending, but I will endeavour as much as lies in my power to attend. Failing to do so, pray excuse me.

With a sincere heart I supplicate at the Divine Threshold that this congress may be successful in founding a noble institution which shall be permanent and everlasting; that it may ignite a candle from which a heavenly light shall beam, and plant a tree whose fruit may be friendship, love and unity between all the children of men, so that conflict and warfare may be abolished, and patriotic, racial, religious and political prejudices become unknown. Peace should replace strife, enmity be superseded by love, estrangement annihilated, and unity established. Then what has been spoken of in the heavenly books will become well rotted in the hearts of all, and the glad-tidings of the sacred writings be fulfilled. In conclusion I offer my utmost appreciation and respect to such a blessed congress.

(Signed) Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 9, August 20, 1911)


To Miss Juliet Thompson

To the attracted maid-servant of God, Miss Juliet Thompson. Upon her be Bahá'u'l-Abhá!

He is God!

O thou daughter of the Kingdom!

Thy letter was received and its contents became evident.

If America attains to the capacity of the Presence of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, I will travel to that country and all the difficulties shall be solved.

There is no doubt that the tests are severe. The more a soul resists and shows firmness and steadfastness, the greater will be his progress, and he shall soar to the sublimest heights of the Kingdom. ...

O thou daughter of the Kingdom! Thou hast expressed the hope of my Presence in America. It depends upon capacity and merit.

O thou who art attracted to the fragrances of God! Endeavour thou as far as thou canst to become the cause of the unity and harmony amongst the believers of God....

Announce on my behalf to Mrs. MacNutt "I do not forget thee and my beloved friend, Mr. McNutt, for one breath; nay, rather, I beg continually for your divine confirmations and supreme assistance." ...

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, nos. 7 & 8, August 1, 1911) 


To Mr. Thornton Chase

Through Mírzá Ahmad to Mr. Thornton Chase.

Upon him be Bahá'u'l-Abhá!
He is God!

O thou herald of the Kingdom!

I received thy two letters, an old one and one of recent date, and both of them were read with the utmost attention. Praise be to God! that thou didst not waver before the tests; nay, rather thou didst remain firm and steadfast. When the tree sends down its roots into the bowels of the earth, then, it will bring forth blossoms and fruits. Now, Praise be to God! that in this day of the kingdom thou art firm and steadfast. Rest thou assured that thou wilt become the recipient of confirmation and assistance and the object of infinite bounties.

Thou hast asked about the statement in the Hidden Words, which reads: "O Son of Spirit! Turn thy face so that thou mayest find Me within thee.  Powerful, Mighty and Supreme." This is the statement to which His Holiness the Christ, referred His apostles in the Gospel, saying. "The Father is in the Son, and the Son is in you."

This is evident that, when the hearts are purified and through divine education and heavenly teachings become the manifestors of infinite perfections, they are like clear mirrors, and the Sun of Truth will reflect with might, power and omnipotence in such a mirror, and to such an extent that whatever is brought before it is illumined and ignited. This is a brief interpretation because of the lack of time. Therefore, do thou reflect and ponder over it so that the doors of significance may be opened before thine eyes.


Four questions and subsequent answers by ‘Abdu’l-Baha – translated by Munírih Khánum

Questions, sent by Professor Cairns, Edinburgh, 24 June 1910:

1. Is it right to speak of the Báb and of Centre as Manifestations, or as Incarnations?
2. Do the Bahá'ís teach the doctrine of reincarnation?
3. Did Bahá'u'lláh claim to supersede the Revelation of Jesus, the Christ?
4. Did Centre claim to be greater than Jesus, the Christ?

Answers of 'Abdu'l-Bahá (the servant of God), Haifa, 20 July 1910:

O daughter of the Kingdom!

Your letter has arrived. Its contents caused spiritual happiness and heartfelt gladness.

I wish to answer in detail, but at present my health is not very strong; I am fatigued, so am obliged to write in short.  When I feel better, I will write at length, for verily, you are occupied with the work of the Kingdom and are serving the world of Humanity, and therefore are worthy of correspondence.

Now I will write shortly.

1st Answer. The Bahá'ís believe that the incarnation of the Word of God, meaning the changing of the nature of Divinity into Humanity and the transformation of the Infinite into the finite, can never be. But they believe that the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh are Manifestations of a Universal Order in the world of humanity. It is clear that the Eternal can never be transient, neither the transient Eternal.

Transformation of nature is impossible. Perfect man, Manifestation, is like a clear mirror in which the Sun of Reality is apparent and evident, reflected in its endless bounties.

2nd Answer. In the teaching of Bahá'u'lláh, the reincarnation of the spirit in successive bodies is not taught.

3rd Answer. Bahá'u'lláh has not abolished the teachings of Christ. He gave a fresh impulse to them and renewed them; explained and interpreted them; expanded and fulfilled them.

4th Answer. Bahá'u'lláh has not claimed himself to be greater than Christ. He gave the following explanation: That the Manifestations of God are the Rising Points of one and the same Sun; i.e., the Sun of Reality is One, but the places of rising are numerous. Thus, Beauty is One, but it is shining upon several mirrors.

Your own answers were good; and now I have myself answered in short.
Upon you be the Glory of the Most Glorious!

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas

Translated by Munírih Khánum.
(Star of the West vol. 2, no. 6, June 24, 1911)


Prerequisites for ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s visit to America

Thy letter was received and read. Thou hast invited me to America, saying:  "In that region and in that country there are many fragrant and multi-coloured flowers; likewise there are thorns and thistles; but 'Abdu'l-Bahá should not look upon the thistles of the desert. He must hasten to that country for the sake of the flowers."  This simile is very beautiful; but when a gardener invites a man to his garden, first he will arrange all the flowers with the utmost elegance, beauty and art, then he will invite his guest. Moreover, there are differences among the flowers. Therefore pray thou that harmony may be created so that your country may find the capacity for the Presence of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. I have the utmost yearning to meet all of you; but unless the conditions which have been previously mentioned are realized, my trip to those parts would be difficult, for it would produce no results.

I hope that all the friends and the maid-servants of the Merciful may be united with each other so that 'Abdu'l-Bahá without any cloud may travel from the East to the West.  It is hoped that this unity may become realized.

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas
(Star of the West vol. 2, no. 6, June 24, 1911)


Mission of a Baha’i

Thy mission in America for the present is this: Thou must travel as far as possible to every part and pass through cities and towns, summoning everyone to the Beauty of Abha, raising the Call of the Kingdom and proclaiming at the top of thy voice:

"A hundred thousand glad-tidings be upon ye that the Sun of the Reality of the Beauty of Abha hath shone forth from the Horizon of the Contingent Being and hath illumined the regions with the lights of the Most Great Guidance. The realities of the Old Testament and the Gospel are already fulfilled and the Mysteries of the Heavenly Books have become manifest. This is the century of the Merciful One and the Period of Joy and Gladness. O ye heedless ones, become mindful! O ye sleeping ones, be awakened! O ye blind ones, become seeing! O ye deaf ones, become hearing! O ye dumb ones, become speakers! O ye dead ones, become living! O ye deprived ones, take a portion! This is the effulgence of the Merciful and the moving of the Depthless Sea. This is the outpouring of the wonderful and new springtime and the falling of the showers of the Bounty of the Most Great Lord!"

This is thy mission.

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 6, June 24, 1911)


Conduct of the believers in meetings

The believers of God must assemble and associate with each other in the utmost love, joy and fragrance. They must conduct themselves (in the meetings) with the greatest dignity and consideration, chant divine verses, peruse instructive articles, read the Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Baha, encourage and inspire each other with love for the whole human race, invoke God with perfect joy and fragrance, read the verses of glorification and praises of the Self-Subsistent Lord and deliver eloquent speeches.

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 6, June 24, 1911)


Conduct of Spiritual Assembly members

But regarding teaching the Truth: One must teach with wisdom, amiability, good-naturedness and kindness. And should anyone circumscribe conditions (for teaching the Truth) it will become rare.

But concerning the established (organized assemblies), altogether outside conversation must not be introduced therein. Nay, rather, conversation must be limited to the reading of verses, the perusing of Words and affairs which pertain to the Cause of God, such as explaining proofs and evidences, delivering clear and irrefutable arguments and announcing the signs of the Beloved of the creatures.

Those souls who are in that assembly before their entrance therein must be adorned with utmost purity, turn their faces toward the Kingdom of Abha and enter with infinite humility and meekness, and when someone reads Tablets they must be silent and attentive.  Should anyone desire to speak, he must do it with the utmost courtesy and with perfect eloquence and fluency by the consent and permission of the people of the assembly.

Upon thee be greeting and praise!

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 6, June 24, 1911)


Teachings and Instructions of Baha’u’llah

Thou hast inquired regarding the teachings and instructions of Baha'u'llah! Thou must instruct the people of the world in the Love of God, that they may eradicate the foundation of warfare and strife, be attracted by the Glad-tidings of the kingdom of Abha, lay the basis of love and amity, raise the melody of affinity, and the oneness of the Kingdom of humanity; transmute tyranny and persecution into love and faithfulness, efface the traces of bloodshed and carnage; construct the edifice of reconciliation, dispel the darkness of estrangement, diffuse the light of unity; change the poison of animosity into the honey of sympathetic affection; destroy the religious, national and social prejudices from the individuals of humanity; live and act, with and toward each other as though they were from one race, one country, one religion, and one kind.

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 6, June 24, 1911)


Spiritual Meetings

You have written concerning the spiritual meetings. The foundation of the spiritual meetings must be the teaching and delivering of the Cause of God. In these meetings the believers and maid-servants of the Merciful must proclaim the proofs and arguments and explain the signs of the appearance of the beauty of Abha - May my life be a sacrifice to the beloved ones! Meanwhile they may read some Tablets, and Communes, and at the end of the meetings, if they desire to sing with the utmost supplication and meekness, it is acceptable. But the fundamental principle of the establishment of spiritual meetings is for the sake of teaching and delivering the Truth so that those souls who are present may become informed of the Divine Evidences and Proofs.

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 6, June 24, 1911) 


Concerning the meetings and gathering-places of the believers of God

Thou hast written concerning the meetings and gathering-places of the believers of God. Such assemblies and gatherings will greatly aid the promotion of the Word and all the audience, whether friends or not, will become affected. But when the friends have the intention of entering into these meetings they must disengage the heart from all other reflections, ask the Inexhaustible Divine Confirmation, and with the utmost devotion and humility set their feet in the gathering-place. Let them not introduce any topic in the meeting except the mentioning of the True One, neither must they confuse that merciful assembly with complex outside questions. They must either teach or open their tongue in propounding arguments, either commune or supplicate and pray to God, either read Tablets or give out advices and exhortations.

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 6, June 24, 1911)


To the Spiritual Assembly of Baku, Russia

Upon them be the Glory of God, the Most Glorious!

He is God!

O ye friends of God!  O ye manifestors of bounties and favours of the Beauty of Abha!

That illumined Orb (Baha'u'llah) hath risen from the horizon of sanctity and holiness to shed Its Rays upon the expanse of the universe and that mysterious Beloved hath rent asunder the veil of concealment and appeared in the Assemblage of Humanity so that the wooers of His heart-captivating Beauty attained to His meeting, and torrents of spiritual teachings have descended from His Holy Lips, that we may be enabled to hear with the ear of the spirit, walk in the Path of the Beloved; see His Attributes and Manners; behold His Character and Principles; drink the Cup of Bestowal, taste the sweetness of His Reality, obey His Religion and emulate His glorious Example.

O ye friends! His gentle nature was excellent and His sweet disposition sublime. He was in the utmost humility and submission, and perfect kindliness and praise.  Worthy courtesy adorned His Being. He was a refuge for every affrighted one; an asylum for every discomfited one; a fountain for every thirsty one; a Highway of Salvation for every wandering one; a healing to every sick one, and a dressing for every wounded one. In brief, ye have undoubtedly heard and read His Holy Instructions. But alas! we have entirely neglected them and are pursuing our own desires, following our own opinions, seeking our own ideas, and chasing our own shadows! Is it not a shame to change His Rose Garden into a bramble patch? His Delectable Paradise into a ruined abode? To seek to eradicate His Foundation and completely destroy His structure? To forget the Divine Instructions and cast behind our backs the Commands of God; with our lips to speak of the waves of the tumultuous Ocean, while inwardly we are dying of thirst; and while claiming divine wealth of consciousness, we are so poverty-stricken in spirit as to be but illusive phantoms-blown about by every wind?


To the maidservant of God, Mrs. Corinne True, Chicago

Upon her be Baha'u'l-Abha!

He is God!

O thou dear maid-servant of God!
The question of the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar is very important and is superior to every matter; surely put forth utmost effort for it.  In the fact that you have registered the name of 'Abdu'l-Baha in the contribution book, I became very happy.

Concerning his honour, M. Mustafa Bagdadi, indeed he was an honourable person, who devoted his days to service in the Kingdom of God, became confirmed in excellent services, a cause of guidance to many, was firm in the Covenant, a promulgator of the Religion of God. Regarding this a comforting letter was written to Zia Effendi.

The receipt you have sent was received.

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Baha Abbas

The following was written by 'Abdu'l-Bahá's own hand at the bottom of the page:

He is God!

O thou daughter of the Kingdom!

Today in America no matter is greater for the elevation of the Word of God than the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar. Surely give it the utmost importance.  I am always waiting that a good report regarding the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar should come.

In most of the cities of Persia, even in some of the villages, a Mashriqu'l-Adhkar has been founded.

Now the beloved in America must make effort to establish one Mashriqu'l-Adhkar.

Upon thee be Bahá'u'l-Abhá.

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 5, June 5, 1911)


To the Bahá’ís of England

He Is God!

O ye sons and daughters of the Kingdom!

Your letter which was written by heavenly inspiration, whose contents and meanings are full of interest, and whose discrimination springs from hearts that shine, has been received. Of a truth, the believers of London, being steadfast servants, stand firm. They shall not slacken, nor, in the lapse of time, shall their light grow dim. For they are Bahá'ís, children of Heaven and of the light of the Godhead. Surely, without doubt they shall be the cause of spreading God's Word, and the channel for spreading the Divine Teachings and bringing about the unity and equality of mankind.

It is easy to accept the Kingdom, but it is difficult to endure therein for the tests are hard and heavy. On all occasions the English are firm and are not turned aside, being neither prone to begin a matter for a little while nor ready to abandon it for a little reason through failing in zeal. Verily in every undertaking they show firmness.

Though you dwell in the West, praise he to God, you have heard the Divine Call from the East, and like unto Moses you have become warmed by the fire of the Tree that has been lighted in Asia, and you have found the true Path, becoming kindled like lamps, having entered into the Kingdom of God. Now in thanksgiving for this bounty you pray for blessing upon the people of the world, till by light of the Kingdom of Splendour their eyes become illuminated and their hearts become even as mirrors attaining the rays of the Sun of Truth.

My hope is this: that the outbreathing of the Holy Spirit be inspired into your hearts, that your tongues begin to reveal the mysteries and to expound the meaning and the truth of the Holy Books. May the friends become physicians to cure by the Divine Teachings the deep-rooted diseases of the body of the world, to give sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, life to the dead and awakening to the sleepers. Be sure that the blessing of the Holy Spirit will descend upon you, and that the Hosts of the Kingdom will come to your aid.

Upon you be the Glory of God!

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 5, June 5, 1911)


To Mrs. Cecilia M. Harrison, Chicago

Through Zíá Effendi Baghdádí 

He Is God!

O thou attracted maid-servant of God!

Your letter was received. From its contents, heart attracting meanings were understood; for they indicated entire attraction by the Kingdom of Abhá and the attachment of the heart to the Supreme World.

The chanting of the verses, whether done individually or collectively, is the cause of manifesting the effect of the Word of God in the hearts, and the means of igniting the fire of the love of God in the breasts. But it is as thou hast written that the condition required is, the hearts must become like pure and polished mirrors, and the spirits attain perfect joy and happiness by the divine glad-tidings.

Assuredly the blessed souls who direct their entire attention to the Lord of Hosts, who are severed from the nether world and submerged in the outpourings of the Realm of Might, if they travel in various parts of America, associating with all and visiting the assemblies while surging with the love of God, they will certainly be the cause of the unity of the friends and the maid-servants of the Merciful. This is indeed most beloved and acceptable, productive of great results and conducive of great good.

The enclosed paper sent by thee contained beautiful expressions and delightful statements. I ask God that thou mayst awaken the people of America thereby from the sleep of negligence and prove to be to them the means of knowledge and wisdom.

Upon thee be Bahá'u'l-Abhá!

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 5, June 5, 1911)


To the believers of God and the maidservants of the Merciful, Philadelphia

Upon them be Bahá'u'l-Abhá!
Through Mírzá Ahmad Sohráb.  Upon him be Bahá'u'lláh!

He Is God!

O ye sons and daughters of the Kingdom!

It is some time since news has reached me from you. Today the illumined photographs you forwarded fourteen months ago were received. By looking at these pictures I remembered you and am writing you this tablet so that you may know I have not forgotten you and am always engaged in your mentioning and your illumined pictures are ever present.

O ye friends and maid-servants of the Merciful! It is easy to advance toward the Kingdom, but it is difficult to remain firm and steadfast. Therefore endeavour ye as much ye can to make your faith firm like unto a well-rooted tree and produce blossoms and fruits. Neither be ye agitated on account of the blowing winds of tests and trials. The firmer the roots of the tree the greater its blossoms and fruits.  Because the apostles of Christ remained firm and steadfast they became assisted in the most great services and the confirmations of the Holy Spirit descended upon them uninterruptedly. If ye seek the illumination of the Kingdom ye must arise with infinite resolution. Be ye not discouraged or lukewarm on account of troubles and vicissitudes. Show ye an effort so that that region may be illumined, the Kingdom of God may raise its tents and the breaths of the Holy Spirit may quicken the souls.

Upon ye be Bahá'u'l-Abhá!

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 5, June 5, 1911)


To the beloved of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful - New York (State)

Mrs. L. G. Stirling, Florence A. Cobb, Lila A. Ressiguie, Clara A. Brink, Annie E. Walrath, Dr. F. S. Blood, Wm. B. Remey Harriet Rupert, Mrs. E. C. Woodworth, Pauline Crandall, Mrs. E. Gustin, Mary M. Young, Bessie Knight, Ada C. Divine, Ella C. Quant, Dr. W. E. House, Edith L. Whiting, Margaret La Grange, Miss Bina Van Buren,  Alice house, F. W. Ackernecht, Mrs. Sarah Young, Elizabeth Chandler

He is God!

O ye who are attracted to the Beauty of Abhá!

Your letter was received; it indicated that a new union and harmony is created among those souls. This glad tiding produced a great happiness and a new hope was seized that perchance the friends of New York, God willing, may become united and harmonized with the heavenly power. Today the most beloved and acceptable deed before His Highness, Bahá'u'lláh, is the union of the friends and the concord of men, and the most unacceptable is difference and disharmony.

Praise be to God that ye have become assisted with this Most Great Bounty, that is, unity and harmony, and become the cause of the happiness of the heart of 'Abdu'l-Bahá.

His Highness, Bahá'u'lláh, said, that if Religion and Faith become the cause of difference, enmity and hatred, undoubtedly its non-being is better than its being.  Consider ye how much emphasis He has placed upon love, harmony and affection.

Upon ye he Bahá'u'l-Abhá!

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 5, June 5, 1911)


To Mr. and Mrs. Ostburg, Boston, Mass.

He Is God!

O ye two seekers of Truth!

Your letter was received and I became informed of its contents. Some of the letters you have forwarded have not been received, while others have been received at the time of the intense persecutions of the enemy, so it was impossible to reply. When this last letter was received I found opportunity to answer it, notwithstanding the multiplicity of occupations, so that you may know how much ye are beloved in this spot and accepted in the Kingdom of God. As there is little time, brief answers are given to your questions:

Answer to the first question: The spirits of the sons of the Kingdom after the disintegration of this body ascend to the world of Eternal Existence; but should you ask of the place, know thou that that world of existence is the world of unity, but the grades are different. For instance, the mineral existence has a grade, but that mineral being has no knowledge of the vegetable kingdom. It (the mineral existence) has no information of a higher realm nay, rather, according to appearances, it may deny the higher grade. Likewise the vegetable life has no knowledge of the animal kingdom. It is entirely heedless and unconscious of that kingdom, because the grade of the animal is higher than that of the vegetable. The vegetable, according to its limited environment, is veiled from the knowledge of the animal kingdom, and it may deny it, although the animal, the vegetable and mineral live in the world of existence.  Likewise, the animal cannot comprehend the intelligence of the faculties of man, which is the generalizer of the universal and the discoverer of the mysteries of beings, so much so that while living in the East he organizes and founds institutions in the West, and he reveals hidden things. Though he abides in Europe he discovers America. Though he dwells upon the earth, he unravels the realities of the solar system. The animal is entirely unconscious, nay, rather, a denier of this intelligent force, which penetrates into the unknown and comprehends the general as well as the particular ideas of this illimitable universe. Likewise the people of the world lack the knowledge of the world of the Kingdom, nay, rather, they deny it.  Do we not hear from their lips the words, such as these:  "Where is the Kingdom?  Where is the Lord of the Kingdom?" But these souls are like unto the mineral and vegetable who know nothing of the animal and human kingdoms. They neither see nor search. However, the mineral, the vegetable and the animal kingdoms all live in this world of existence.


Prayer: Spiritual Meeting

He Is God!

O my God!  O my God!  We are servants who have sincerely turned our faces unto Thy Grand Face; severed ourselves from all else save thee in this Great Day and are assembled together in this glorious meeting of one accord and desire, and unanimous in thought to promulgate Thy Word amid Thy creatures.

O my Lord!  O my Lord!  Suffer us to be signs of guidance, standards of Thy Manifest Religion throughout the world, servants of Thy Great Covenant - O our Exalted Lord! - appearances of Thy Oneness in Thy Kingdom, the Abhá, and stars which dawn forth unto all regions.

O Lord, make us as seas rolling with the waves of Thy Great Abundance, rivers flowing from the mountains of Thy Glorious Kingdom, pure fruits on the Tree of Thy illustrious Cause, plants refreshed and moved by the Breeze of Thy Gift in Thy wonderful vineyard.

O Lord, cause our souls to depend upon the signs of Thy Oneness, our hearts to be dilated with the Bounties of Thy Singleness, so that we may become united as are ripples on a waving sea; become harmonized as are the rays which shine forth from a brilliant light; so that our thoughts, opinions and feelings become as one reality from which the spirit of accord may be diffused throughout all regions.

Verily, Thou art the Beneficent, the Bestower!  Verily, Thou art the Giver, the Mighty, the Loving, the Merciful!

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 4, May 17, 1911)


To the friends of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful [in America]

Upon them be Bahá'u'l-Abhá!
He Is God!

O ye friends and the maidservants of the Merciful!

When the deposed Sultán of the Ottoman Empire, 'Abdu'l-Hamíd, arose in tyranny and oppression, 'Abdu'l-Bahá was incarcerated in the prison of 'Akká and was surrounded with the utmost surveillance of police, detectives and men of the Secret Service. The door of communication was entirely closed and the means of correspondence was prevented. If any soul approached the house he was searched; nay, rather, threatened with dire persecution. The affairs reached to such a degree that, not being satisfied with these restrictions, the Sultán sent an oppressive investigating Commission, so that with all kinds of wiles, simulations, slander and fabrication of false stories they might fasten some guilt upon 'Abdu'l-Bahá in order that he might crucify Him, or cast Him into the sea, or banish Him into the heart of the distant and unknown Sahara of Feyzan [Africa]. That oppressive investigating Commission exercised its rights with tyranny and passed the sentence that 'Abdu'l-Bahá merited all kinds of persecution. Finally they decided to send Him to Feyzan, and when they cabled this decision to the palace of 'Abdu'l-Hamíd, an answer was received that the matter of Feyzan was approved by the Imperial Order. Then that unjust investigating Commission returned to Constantinople. They were in the midst of the sea when the cannon of God boomed forth before the palace of 'Abdu'l-Hamíd, a charge of dynamite was exploded, a number of people were killed, 'Abdu'l-Hamíd fled into the interior of his residence, difficulties and trials surrounded him, and incidents and events developed rapidly. Therefore he did not find the opportunity to oppress 'Abdu'l-Bahá; public revolution was started, which ended in his deposition, and the Hand of Divine Power released the neck of 'Abdu'l-Bahá from the chains of the prison of Joseph and the fetters and manacles were placed around the unblessed neck of 'Abdu'l-Hamíd. Be ye admonished, O ye people of insight!


Extract from a Tablet to the friends in Khurásán, Persia

The news of the attraction of the hearts of the believers of God ignited the candle of happiness and created spiritual joy. 'Abdu'l-Bahá travelled to the land of Joseph of Canaan and became well known in the servitude of the Holy Threshold. Although the attack of the sects and the false rumours and statements in the newspapers are intense, yet it is my hope that this journey may become fruitful and the Voice and Summons of the Cause of God may move these regions; some seeds may be sown and watered and be assisted by the downpour of the rain of the Mercy of the Almighty. Assuredly they will grow and become green and verdant.

Praise be to God! that through the Bounty and Favour of the Most Great Name - May my life he a sacrifice to His believers - the Voice of the Cause of God is raised in all countries and the Fame and Melody of the Word of God is spread in every region. In these days the Cause of God is progressing and advancing in America, and in Asia there is the clamour of Turk and Tajik. The Bahá'ís have founded an English newspaper in the capital of Japan, which is edited and circulated by his honour, the learned Professor Báriku'l-Alláh, of India. Some of the American believers are expecting to make a trip to China and Manchuria so that they may raise the Voice of the Kingdom in those parts, and in Europe and Asia the Trumpet of the Supreme Concourse is heard.


To Mr. Arthur S. Agnew, Chicago Ill.

Upon him be Baha’u’l-Abha!

He Is God

O Thou Servant of the Beauty of Abha!

I received thy letter and the books that thou hadst sent have been received. Convey, on my behalf, most wonderful Abha, greetings unto Mr. Albert R. Windust, Miss Gertrude Buikema and Miss Mary Lesch. During hours of leisure, when in the middle of the night I engage in supplications, I shall beg for assistance and favor in their behalf. Indeed, they have made a great effort in the printing and publication of the Letters (i.e. Tablets) [1]

As to the difference between the natural (i.e. physical or material) civilization which is in the present day in force, and the Divine civilization which shall be of the results of The House of Justice: The material civilization prevents and safeguards people from committing evil deeds, through the force of the laws of retaliation and correction. Thus, you see how prohibitory laws and rules of correction are constantly in circulation and yet, by no means, any (adequate) law of retribution is to be found; and in all the cities of Europe and America spacious prison buildings have been founded and established for correcting and punishing the criminals.


To the Editors of the Star of the West

O ye Editors of the Star of the West

Your letter was received and your effort became known. I hope that, day by day, you may add to your effort and give importance to this newspaper, for it shall progress step by step and shall attain to the praiseworthy station.

The detailed Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha in regard to Exhortations and Education are many. Ask for them and print them in the paper. You have permission. Whenever, in the future, detailed Tablets are written, copies will be sent to you for publication.

Upon ye be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 2, April 9, 1911)


To the attracted maid servant of God Mrs. Corinne True, Chicago, Ill.

He Is God
O thou beloved maid servant of God!

Your detailed letter was perused and from its contents it became evident that the debt on the land of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkar is clear. This news made the hearts happy and caused infinite rejoicing.

Now it is hoped that the believers of God may show magnanimity and raise a great sum for the building, so that the foundation of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkar may be laid, and, perchance, God willing, the cornerstone of the foundation may be laid by the hands of 'Abdu'l-Baha.

This confirmation will descend upon the people of America if they will all arise and endeavor with great courage to establish union and harmony, so that every trace of difference may be uprooted and they may all become as one heart and one soul.

Convey the wonderful Abha greeting to all the friends and the maid servants of the Merciful.

Upon thee be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 1, March 21, 1911)


O ye children of the Kingdom! [1]

It is New Year; that is to say, the rounding of the cycle of the year. A year is the expression of a cycle (of the sun) but now is the beginning of a cycle of Reality, a New Cycle, a New Age, a New Century, a New Time and a New Year. Therefore, it is very blessed.

I wish this blessing to appear and become manifest in the faces and characteristics of the believers, so that they, too, may become a new people, and having found new life and been baptized with fire and spirit, may make the world a new world, to the end that the old earth may disappear and the new earth appear; old ideas depart and new thoughts come; old garments be cast aside and new garments put on; ancient politics whose foundation is war be discarded and modern politics founded on peace raise the standard of victory; the new star shine and gleam and the new sun illumine and radiate; new flowers bloom; the new spring become known; the new breeze blow; the new bounty descend; the new tree give forth new fruit; the new voice become raised and this new sound reach the ears, that the new will follow the new, and all the old furnishings and adornments be cast aside and new decorations put in their places.

I desire for you all that you will have this great assistance and partake of this great bounty, and that in spirit and heart you will strive and endeavor until the world of war become the world of peace; the world of darkness the world of light; satanic conduct be turned into heavenly behavior; the ruined places become built up; the sword be turned into the olive branch; the flash of hatred become the flame of the Love of God and the noise of the gun the voice of the Kingdom; the soldiers of death the soldiers of life; all the nations of the world one nation; all races as one race; and all national anthems harmonized into one melody. Then this material realm will be Paradise, the earth Heaven and the world of Satan become the world of Angels.

(Signed) ‘Adu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 1, March 21, 1911)

[1] Revealed for the American friends in 1906, who had sent Abdu'l Baha a New Year's (March 21st) Greeting.


To the maid servants of God; Mrs. Ida Brush, Mrs. Mary B. Grayson, Mrs. Fannie G. Lesch, Mrs. Elizabeth Greenleaf, Mrs. Grace Foster, Mrs. Christine Loeding, Miss Laura E. Jones, Miss Mary Lesch, Shahnaz Khanum (Mrs. Louise R. Waite) [1]

He Is God!

O ye believers who are attracted to the Center of Lights!

Verily there have been various assemblies in America which were organized many times and out of these but few remained firm.

I supplicate to the Divine Majesty for the establishment of every assembly which hath turned its face towards God, left the scattered desires, abandoned the self and passion and become firm in the Cause of God as solid mountains, which are not agitated by the winds and violent storms.

Then, O ye maid-servants of the Merciful, it is incumbent upon ye to be firm, sincere and highly energetic and in great unity; severed from all save God; effaced and annihilated in the love of God; sacrificing yourselves under all conditions and circumstances; and glorious, so that ye may be filled with the love of Bahá and that in ye nothing remains except the abundance of Bahá.  Should ye arise for these great gifts, ye may rest assured that the confirmations of the Holy Spirit will follow ye in every time and instant.

Upon ye be Bahá'u'l-Abhá!

(Signed) 'Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas
[1] Members of Chicago Women’s Assembly of Teaching
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no.1 March 21, 1911)


O Thou Servant of the Blessed Perfection!

They have written from Tehran that there is need of a scientific teacher for the School of Tarbiat. He must be efficient in science as well as the English language; for at present there is no man in the School of Tarbiat who is a scientist or linguist. They are in need of both, science and the English language.

Therefore, consult with the believers of God and select one soon, from among the American Baha'is, who is efficient in science and arts, and send him to. Tehran. He will receive a salary, sufficient to sustain him with the utmost ease while there.

Likewise select a woman teacher who may fill the position of principal as well as teacher, and send her without delay. The woman must have a share of the knowledge of sciences and be proficient in woman's work, such as sewing, housekeeping, hygiene and household economics, etc.

This matter is very necessary, and you must give to it the utmost importance and exert yourselves to bring this about; so that the association of the Interdependence of the West may render this assistance to the East.

Upon thee be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 1, March 21, 1911)


Prayer for Children

Through Shahnaz Khanum

Upon her be Baha’u’l-Abha! 
He is God

O my God! O my God! Thou seest these children, branches of the Tree of Life, birds of the Garden of Safety, pearls of the shells of the ocean of Thy Mercy and roses of the rose-garden of Thy Guidance.

O Lord! Verily we glorify in Thy praise, sanctify Thee and supplicate to the Kingdom of Thy Mercifulness to make us candles of guidance, stars of the horizon of the Eternal Majesty among the creatures; and teach us from Thy Knowledge, O Glory of the Most Glorious! 

(signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol.1, no. 19, March 2, 1911)


To Dr. Fareed

To Dr. Ameen U. Fareed

Upon him be Baha’u’l-Abha! 
He is God

O thou who art unique!

Thy letter dated January 19, 1911, was received. You have written of the good news from California and from Chicago. I hope that the news from these places may become better and that the glad-tidings may come of the Word of God becoming effective in all parts of the American continent; nay, rather, that it may move the whole of the western hemisphere.

If the beloved of God should unite and should agree as it is requisite, thou canst rest assured that in the shortest space of time the Sun of the Heavens (spiritual heavens) will so shine from the Kingdom of Abha as to rend asunder all the veils of superstitions.

Upon thee be greeting and praise! 
(signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol.1, no. 19, March 2, 1911) 


To "the near maid-servant of God, the daughter of the Kingdom, Marie Watson"

Upon her be Baha’u’l-Abha!
He Is God

O thou candle of the Love of God!

Thy letter was received. Thou hast written that the daughter of the Kingdom, Asiyih, is studying Persian, and that thou art teaching Mirza Farajullah Khan, English.

Turn to the Kingdom of Abha, seek assistance and put forth effort so that all may soon learn Persian, and his honor, Mirza Farajullah Khan may also acquire the mastery of the English tongue.

Thou hast learned of the conditions of my coming to America. I beg of God that the beloved in America may become so enlightened that the lights of their love may flood the "Turk and the Tajik," and that an attractive magnet may be brought forth in that country, capable of attracting ‘Abdu’l-Baha with all power to those regions, and this is not far from His Mercy.


To Madame Aurelia Bethlen

He Is God

O thou seeker of Truth!

The letter which thou hast written through Mr. MacNutt was received. As he is a beloved channel, I will immediately answer your letter, although I have little time.

You have expressed your longing for my presence in that country. Although I, too, have infinite longing to meet the believers on that continent, yet that region must attain to the capacity of attracting the presence of ‘Abdu’l-Baha. A harmonious and wonderful banquet must be prepared, at which every kind of heavenly food may be served: after which you may send me an invitation.

That heavenly food consists of deeds which are in accord with the Divine Teachings. The first food is the Love of God. The second food is the attraction to the breaths of the Holy Spirit. The third food is union and harmony among all the believers. The fourth food is sincerity, trustworthiness, kindness, purity of intention and service to all humankind.

Should ye prepare and serve such a delicious, sweet and tempting banquet unquestionably ‘Abdu’l-Baha will hasten to America to partake of that food. Therefore endeavor ye with all your might that this Food be prepared.

Upon ye be Baha’u’l-Abha!
(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol.1, no. 19, March 2, 1911)


To the Editors of the STAR OF THE WEST

Upon them be Baha’u’l-Abha! 
He Is God

O ye firm ones! O ye steadfast ones!

The publication of the STAR OF THE WEST is conducive to the happiness and beatitude of the friends; for it is a clear mirror in which the pictures of the events and happenings in the Cause and the news of the progress of the Kingdom throughout the world are reflected and can be observed. Praise flows from the tongue of every growing and firm believer after reading it, for he becomes informed of the events and thoughts. Unquestionably, this publication shall serve the world of humanity. If it is continued, its arena shall become broadened and it shall attain to such a station as to bring about the unity of the East and of the West.

Do not become discouraged, nor yet dispirited! Show ye firmness and steadfastness, and, if possible, publish it in a larger size and more legible characters.

Upon ye be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas 
(Star of the West, vol.1, no. 18, February 7, 1911)


To “the maid-servant of God, Mrs. Corinne True”

 Upon her be Baha’u’llah!

He Is God

O thou attracted maid-servant of God!

Verily I read thy letter which indicated thy steadfastness in the Covenant of God and evinced thy walking in the Straight Path toward the Kingdom of God.

Verily I entered in the country of Egypt, trusting in God, attracted to His Kingdom and enkindled with the Fire of His Love, hoping to arise in the Servitude of the Threshold of Baha, and I am always, day and night, serving. There is no rest, tranquility or composure.

I beg of God to encircle ye with the Most Great Bounty and confirm ye with the Most Eminent Grace which consists of building the Mashriqu’l-Adhkar of America in Chicago! This foundation will have the greatest effect in the hearts of the people of faithfulness. Therefore, endeavor ye with all your power and generosity so that ye may raise this first foundation in the Name of Baha on the continent of America.

I supplicate God to pour upon thee heavenly blessings and that thy family be protected from every sadness and sorrow in this world.

Upon thee be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol.1, no. 18, February 7, 1911)


To the Editor of The Christian Commonwealth

November 30, 1910

My Dear Friend: -- I have received your letter, for the contents of which I am extremely grateful to you. I understand the aims of your movement, and hope that with the greatest spirituality and by the pursuit of truth, it will succeed in bringing about the unification of mankind.

Enclosed you will find some of the sayings of Baha’u’llah: insert them in The Christian Commonwealth.

Be so kind as to accept for yourself and your honourable society my kindest regards.

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 1, no. 18, February 7, 1911)