
To his honor, Mirza Ahmad Sohrab

Upon him be Baha’u’l-Abha!
He Is God

O thou real beloved!

The letter which thou best written in regard to the happiness and joy, beatitude and rejoicing of the American believers concerning the trip of ‘Abdu’l-Baha to the country of Joseph of Canaan, and likewise their expectation of my going to America was perused. However, the latter event is depended upon several conditions which are already explained in a former Tablet. The attractive power is necessary.

We must all with the utmost joy and cheerfulness sacrifice our lives for the Truth! Consider how I have left aside a thousand works and with the greatest attraction am writing to thee with my own hand; so that in every moment thou mayst raise a wave and in devotion in the Love of God and the spending of thy life in the Cause, thou mayst make every possible effort.

I have written a Tablet with my own hand for the Star of the West. Print it in its pages.

Upon thee be Baha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas 
(Star of the West, vol. 1, no. 17, January 19, 1911)