
"To the beloved ones and the maid-servants of the Merciful!" [1]

He Is God!

O ye dear friends and maid-servants of God!

Your epistle was received [2]. You have expressed joy and happiness because of the trip of Abdu’l-Baha from the center of prison (Acca) to the land of the divine Joseph (Egypt). There are divine wisdoms in this journey! I am hopeful that it will be productive of results.

Now -- praise be to God -- some time is passed with the utmost of spirit and fragrance in this country, and we are occupied with the service of the Cause of God and servitude to the Holy Threshold.

When the service, which is our (present) purpose, is realized for the Kingdom of God, perhaps we shall journey to other parts.

If the beloved of God in all America strive for unity and harmony, attain perfect love and accord, and act according to the divine teachings and the precepts of the Blessed Perfection, this will prove a magnet attracting Abdu’l-Baha, so that, perchance, he may journey to America.